Tuesday, September 20, 2016

The voice of Jihad and Globalism.

Is the Jihad vision of one religion similar to the Globalist vision of a ‘One World’ trade and legal governance system? Is the strained focus to make it happen a type of myopathy that does not appreciate the small interactions among individual people that gather themselves for a great cause? Is that democracy gone awry? Saying and thinking they are acting for the greater good, while being directed by the sin of ego holding itself above

Outline and PDF of pertition with links to you your representatives

As a concerned citizen, I urge you to support the implementation of a bill that clearly iterates
‘For any domestic issue, no court should consider or use as precedent any foreign or international law, regulation, or court decision’.

I am especially concerned that sharia not be implemented in any way. 

There is a massive contradiction that is being ignored, that is - Islamic ‘Sharia’ law or legal code is being implemented under the guise of Freedom of Religion.

There is no freedom of religion, There is no freedom of speech, There is no freedom of thought, There is no freedom of artistic expression, There is no freedom of the press, There is no equality of peoples, There is no equal protection under Sharia for different classes of people,There are no equal rights for women, Women can be beaten, A non-Muslim cannot bear arms,
There is no democracy, since democracy means that a non-Muslim is equal to a Muslim. Our Constitution is a man-made document of ignorance that must submit to Sharia, Non-Muslims are third-class citizens. All governments must be ruled by Sharia law. Unlike common law, Sharia is not interpretive, nor can it be changed.

Points that require clarification;
1) will sharia law be reconciled as standing above the law of the land,
2) is sharia law as categorized under ‘freedom of religion’ to be applied to others who do not belong to Islam,
3) are there requirements met under state rule that demonstrate a compelling state interest for protecting the welfare of its citizens,
4) are there parameters of regulations that need to be established that spell out the time, place, and manner of soliciting upon the streets and of conducting meetings in order to safeguard the peace, order, and comfort of the community,
5) does the legal categorization of Islam need to be established since its written doctrine clearly prescribes genocide for those who have any other belief than its own. (i.e. RELIGION. Real piety in practice, consisting in the performance of all known duties to God and our fellow men. A Law Dictionary, Adapted to the Constitution and Laws of the United States. By John Bouvier.
Published 1856.) 

Everyone has the freedom of thought and belief, but has Islam who's written doctrine is grossly anti-American ie.. Anti-Jew, Anti-Christian, Anti-Gay, Anti-Free Speech etc, been mis-identified as a religious equivalency that supports American institutions, and that qualifies for support thru special legal rights and tax breaks?

How to Contact Your Elected Officials
Learn how to get in touch with your federal, state, and local elected leaders.

Use GovTrack to find out who represents you in Congress and what bills they have sponsored :

A Petition to Congress to stem the encroachment of Islamic Sharia law into the public courts.

A Petition to Congress to stem the encroachment of Islamic Sharia law into the public courts. Political and media elites have utterly failed to inform the American people about the nature and magnitude of the jihad threat as it relates to mainstream Islam and Islamic legal code. There is a massive contradiction in law that is being perpetuated, an oversight that has allowed Sharia law implementation thru American courts under the guise of ‘Freedom of Religion’. http://islamattack.com